To read terms in Spanish , please click here.
I previously required registration for my site so that I could know where some of my graphics were going. I still would like to know. Just e-mail me using the contact link once you enter the site. And my terms below still apply. Thank you for your cooperation and for all your support!

Here are a few samples of what is inside

All graphics, animations, and backgrounds from this site are 100% mouse drawn by myself. If you see them elsewhere in collections they have been misused and have not been given proper credit.

Please help keep this site free by abiding by the rules:

1. FAMILY FRIENDLY. If you are using my graphics for web use the site must be clean and free from adult content (a family site).

2. LINK BACK. You must provide a text link or logo (found on each page set) back to if you use any of my graphics.

3. NO CHANGING. Please do not resize the images or use them in picture tubes. They were not made for these uses. You may not change or recolor these graphics and pass them off as new graphics.

4. THEFTS TRACEABLE. All of my images are watermarked and have my initials on them so that they can easily be traced if misused.

5. NO COLLECTIONS. My graphics can be mixed and matched but they may not be used to redistribute in any graphic collection.

6. NO DISTRIBUTION. You are free to use my graphics to spice up your individual emails, but please no large e-mail groups.

7. E-BAY FEE. If you are wanting to use my graphics for commercial use or if you are selling on e-Bay. I need to approve your site or ad previously. I am now also charging a one time fee of $3 for this type of use. You still must follow all of the above rules. There is no direct linking to my graphics. So you will have to upload them to e-Bay or your own web space.

8. Happy Haven Graphics reserves the right to change these terms at any time.

By using the site, you are agreeing to follow all of the above rules .
If you would like to become a friend please e-mail me your name and URL.
If you do not have a web site, please tell me what you will be using the graphics for.
Thank you and have a nice day.

I agree

Copyright 2002 Happy Haven Graphics
The graphics on this page are not available for download.

Special thanks to my engineer and software developer husband for his help and encouragement.
This site hosted by
Aletia/Jaguar PC.